Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Coned Dog

I don’t know, maybe it is my warped sense of humor, but I find this funny. A weiner dog with a cone.

Here she is in happier times. Look at how incredibly fine she is. Please note the seasonal necklace. Thank you.

Then there is this…

The Cone of Shame.

Maggie and I speak the same language. I get her. She gets me. These are the top five things I hear her saying…
1. Pah-leeeese… no self respecting dog should ever be photographed like this.
2. Seriously, do I need to open my mouth and let out some foul odor to get you to stop?
3. Okay, okay, I know I have a little root grow out. What? I have been busy.
4. Maybe if I don’t make eye contact she will stop.
5. How much more do you really think that you can humiliate me?

And this…

The shame of it all.

Who knows Maggie, maybe there is a lesson to be learned here... just sayin...


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