This year I was fortunate enough to spend the Fourth with my friend Marika and her family. See look how cute we are:

And look how cute our toes are. Not that you care about our toes, but you know me…. I am all about the toes.

We started off our morning at the Huntington Beach parade. It is the largest 4th of July parade on the west coast, and probably west of the Mississippi, but at least on the west coast. Little children leaned in to see the action.

But the standard attire was this:

Please note the strategically placed star and matching sunglasses, thank you.
Every parade has its fire trucks. But the Huntington Beach parade has the vintage pumper truck with Blaze the mascot dalmation. Here we see Blaze regally riding.

Then we see engineer Bob giving Blaze the two finger signal. I don’t know what the two finger signal is…but Blaze does. He is, after all, a super hero dalmation.

I think the part that got me the most were the veterans and active duty military. Some gave all, and some were impacted for life.

Some have the spark of patriotism that shows in their walk. God and Country.

After the parade we headed back to the Harris abode where Roger grilled up some incredibly yummy tri-tip, and shrimp.

We finished up with fireworks. Please note the firework reflection in Uncle Fred’s glasses.

What a great holiday courtesy of Harris and company.