Monday, November 19, 2007

Honest People

I went to the post office yesterday to mail off some jewelry to an international customer. I parked the car and ran in ~ package, wallet, and keys in hand. I filled out the necessary customs papers and jetted back out to the car. I had a full day planned!

Some six hours later I was headed back home and discovered my wallet was missing! Holy Cow! I left my wallet in the post office! I said a quick prayer, and thought to myself "Please let an honest person find my wallet!" I got to the post office and it wasn't there. I went home and it hadn't magically appeared back at my house. I started the process of cancelling credit cards. The impact of something like this happening is HUGE! I had a plane to catch in 2 days. I had no picture ID. How would I get home for Thanksgiving?

A couple of hours later, a car pulled up in my driveway. A gentleman in a suit walked up to my door and asked for Cynthia. The only document, aside from my birth certificate, that carries that name is my driver's license. In his hand he held my wallet!!! He told the story of how an elderly lady found my wallet in the post office and came to my house to deliver it. When she found no one home, she brought the wallet with her to church and handed it over to the Mormon bishop in her Ward. He in turn contacted the local Mormon bishop in my area and here he was standing at my door with my wallet in his hand. The little lady who found my wallet didn't know how to get it to me, so she gave it to someone she trusted to do the right thing. There are honest people out there, and little prayers said in the panic of the moment actually get answered! Thanks Jo, you have renewed my faith on a couple of levels!

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