In my ever elusive quest to get organized, I was sorting through some old pictures and came across these. I was flooded with the memory of this trip. And I thought I would share it with you. First – the background…
It was a couple of months before we were scheduled to leave office. The Mayor had decided that he would not run for re-election. And given the nature of politics, I knew the incoming Mayor would choose his own staff. So, the Mayor happened upon some VIP tickets to see a shuttle launch. We all took vacation time, anted up the airfare, and off we all went on a Griswold Family Vacation like none other. Who would have put together this unlikely group? An engineer, attorney, cheerleader, a fake poop salesman, and a human resource specialist? I am going to leave it to you to decide who was who. We arrived in Florida on a Wednesday ahead of a Friday morning launch.
Our first adventure on Thursday was to head over to the Kennedy Space Center. It was here that we saw a really great 3D movie about space.

Sonya and I thought it was a fabulous movie ~ the Mayor slept through it.
Friday came and we got news that the launch was delayed and they were going to shoot for Saturday morning. So we decided to head over to Orlando and went through Universal Studios. It was there that the two most famous Mayors met, Mayor Randy Fitts of South Salt Lake, and Mayor Augustus Maywho of Whoville.

Everywhere we went Craig wore shorts with black socks… what is up with black socks? We totally made fun of him the whole time. I mean seriously….

It was Craig’s keen memory that landed us here at Joe’s Stone Crabs in Miami. This restaurant is certainly not to be confused with the chain restaurant. It was a pretty hoity toity kind of a restaurant. Randy left his 7-11 Big Gulp cup in the lobby.

Then it was off back to the hotel. Craig was the designated driver of the van, however, when he started nodding off, I took the helm. Sonya was the co-pilot and map reader extraordinaire. We made it back to Orlando with three sleeping men in the back seat. We were lost. We couldn’t find our hotel. Lordy almighty. I think we drove around for 30 minutes before one of the guys woke up and guided us back to the hotel.
What a great adventure to watch The Shuttle Launch That Wasn’t. I cherish the time that I spent working for the Mayor. It was by far and away the best job I have ever had. And he indeed was the best boss I have ever had.