Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lady Bug

When I was a little girl my mother used the name Ladybug when there was a strong admonishment coming. Kinda like this “If you think for one minute Ladybug that you are going to stay out past 11:00 p.m. you can just think again.” Ahem, the preceding is only an example and not anything my mother ever said to me. But for Ashley, it has always been a term of endearment. She has been Ladybug, Bug, Buggie.
From early on she was creative, making hats for the pups for every occasion. Please see photo below. Maggie is the Angel (well duh), and Scooter was really excited that year in the role of the Christmas Tree.

As Ashley grew, so did her hair. This pose depicts “Hurry and focus the camera Mom.”

I know that on August 17, 1987 something absolutely miraculous happened. A perfect little baby girl was born. The angels sang.
We have had our ups and downs, my little Buggy. What mother and daughter hasn’t? But this I know… No mother ever loved a daughter more than this mama loves you. Happy Birthday my little ladybug! Muah!

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