Have you ever had to do a job that you really didn’t want to do? Well of course you have, we all have. Whether it was mowing the lawn (I never had to do this – that was a boy job), or picking up the dog poop (oh wait, I never had to do that either – another boy job), or maybe it was Spring cleaning (THAT I
have done). Well today I am doing a job that I really don’t want to do.
The receptionist at my office works Monday through Wednesday. The back up receptionist is on vacation. Great – who is third in line? Me… well actually I am not third in line, I just decided that it was probably a good thing for me to sit up at the front desk and see what it is like to have a constantly ringing phone, and plastering that lovely “Good Morning” face on. You know, just basically taking one for the team.
I arrived bright and early at 8:00 a.m. at the front desk. The phone didn’t ring until 9:20 a.m. No one came to the front counter until the Fed Ex guy showed up at 10:18, then the mailman at 10:27. The phone rang a grand total of 26 times in the first 4 hours. What am I doing here? I have updated my Etsy shops. I have edited pictures for my Etsy shops. I have read through everything I can find to read through regarding updates to our health insurance, 401k, the employee savings and investment plan, and wellness plan. Did you know that there are 7 benefits to drinking water? It keeps your brain healthy, it flushes toxins, it regulates your body temperature, decreases the risk of heart attack, increases your metabolism, gives you healthy looking skin, and my personal favorite, it helps you lose weight.
So much for being in the trenches, taking one for the team, and all that bologna! What I learned today is:
1. If I were searching for a job and my three choices were:
a. Bus Driver
b. Dog Groomer
c. Receptionist
I would for sure go into Dog Grooming.
2. There are 29 sale pages on the Chadwicks of Boston Catalog.
3. I can think of 8 different ways to answer the phone with different intonation in my voice.
4. Handling someone else’s phone is gross.
All that being said, it takes a special person to be a receptionist – and I guess I am just not that special =)