Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Rest of the Story

So, I have had several people say "So how did the rest of the weekend go with Maycie?" Well... here is the rest of the story...

After the OUR nap on Friday things were fairly smooth. Happy times were had by all. I have those magnet letters on my refrigerator for Maycie to play with. She figured out they stick to the dishwasher face as well as the refrigerator. It was big hard work to move each and every letter, one at a time, over to the dishwasher and back, not once but several times. Then it is also fun to take the letters and bring them into the bathroom and throw them in the toilet.

Saturday was too windy for us to go to the zoo as planned, so we hung out at home and read books, sang songs, tortured the dogs and all around had a wonderful day! Scooter, who has an uncontrollable tongue constantly wanted to lick Maycie. So after several times of pointing at Scooter and saying "No!", Maycie learned to point and in a little staccato voice she would command "No!" From that point forward she was the boss of the dogs. They would trot by and she would command "No!" Perfect....

We worked hard on learning to blow kisses, sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider (complete with hand motions), and blowing bubbles. It was a fabulous weekend. I was sad when her mommie came home and swooped her up. Out to the car she was whooshed with her sippy cup, Singing Pizza Elmo, and zebra minky blanket... Wait did I just hear "Itty bitty pida"? Yep... that's my girl!

The mashed potatoes, roast, and green beans was just more than any little cupcake should have to endure... And yes, her bib does say "Cupcake"

"Are you talkin to me? Are YOU talkin to ME????"

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